
Send a Message to Mr. Grafton

Wow!  So many comments, I had to POST another place for you to put your comments.  (The old ones are still there, but you'd have to read them by clicking on the older posts.)

Thanks for checking in on the blog. Here's a couple of things you need to know about POSTING COMMENTS:

  • Click on Name/URL and type ONLY your first Name and Initial. I don't want you to put your last names here.
  • No Email Addresses. It's great to hear from you, but just post a message. Keep your email address private. 
  • Students Only: The Grafton 34 blog is for VES students only. Don't give out the address to people from other schools, your babysitter, your pen pal who lives in Nunavut. 
  • Keep your messages friendly. No gossip or discouraging comments. You don't want others to feel bad when they join in to chat.
  • Have fun! I love jokes, riddles, and even some great stories from VES. It's fun to be kept in the loop.


Matt's newspaper said...

WHOA!!! There is no comments on here. That's different!

wow mathijs said said...

yeah that is surprising


mathijs said...

hey does somdon have MSN

mathijs said...

hey mathue how did you get a dsi

mathijs said...

hey mathew how do you pass mario kart 100cc

mathijs said...

hey mathu i got a dsi


mathijs said...

Hey matthew this is erwin mathijs his brother did you get a blue card with youre dsi and then you can scratch a number in the back. please reply fast L8er. erwin

Matt said...


You got a DSi!? How do you like it? Just to let you know Mathijs I have MSN. I'll tell you my address at school. I got my DSi from EB games by Wal-Mart in Lethbridge. To pass 100cc on Mario Kart you have to get a Gold Trophy on all of the races. Same with 50cc 100cc 150cc and 150cc mirror.


No I didn't get a blue card. But I know what you are supposed to do with it. If you have wireless internet at your house you can use that card to get Nintendo points to download games from the DSi Shop. Hope I helped!

Matt said...

nobody is commenting! maybe everybody's in a comma! oh no!

Hayley said...

I am not in a comma thank you very much. :) I hope you all have a great day. Next year i am coming with you to Weat Ed. Next year i am in middle school:0. You guys are lucky you don't have middle school.


Matt said...

Seems everybody else is in a comma.

Hayley said...

Yeah i think they are!! LOL


mathijs said...

hayley i am not lol

just so you now

mathijs said...

hayley i am not lol

just so you now

mathijs said...

hayley i am not lol

just so you now

Hayley said...

Why did you post your comment 3 times?


Aidan said...

OK IM NOT IN A COMMAAAA!!!! it was just my stupid brother nick whom shut off the computer while i was writing and haley how do you make it so there is a big B and your name is blue?

Aidan said...

ok this is creepy now it seems like everyone is in comma

Matt said...

welcome to my world. population, 2. i think i can answer that question for you. haley has her own blog so instead of clicking on Name/URL she clicked on Google (Blogger).

P.S. haley correct me if im right

Hayley said...

you are right. It is from my Blog Hayley in Narnia blog


Matt said...

I created my own blog now at its still in the making but its now up and running. i wonder where mr. g is. he is not commenting. maybe hes in a coma to!

Matt said...

to get to the blog type in or you can just click on my name

Matt said...

i`m lonely. :(

Aidan said...

im here hello eh' mate 'ows it goin' over here zurr? Hello,hello hows it going so matt your blog i dont know wat to do i go in and there is like nothing at all but you already told me that its not finished so when you put more in tell me got it? Bye bye!!!


Aidan said...


How are things in lethbridge? I hope things are good there is some new kids like Vannesa she comes from sentrall in Taber but she moved here.Haley wat is middle school is it like inbetween high school and Elementary school sounds cool do you have any pets?We do we have our anoying bird joe and we have fish: Cream Sicle [golden molly] Ruleene [Rule-ee-en],[leopard molly] Zipper [frog] Bubbles [copper cory] Chico [symese fighting fish] cool ey well sa ya


Hayley said...

Thngs in Lethbridge are going great. middle school is like jr. high. It is Grades 6,7, and 8. and no i don't have any pets.


mathijs said...

i do

Riley said...

hey matt i cant post my mario comment under my name

Matt said...

What do you mean by that Riley? /I wonder why mr. g isn't posting anything.

mario said...

i don't now

Matt said...

hey aidan,
are you sick or something because you weren`t at school today. maybe mr. g forgot his password again! that richard, always losing his password. lol. uh oh! maybe he got H1 N1 (swine flu)!!! the time on my computer is way off, it says i wrote this at 12:13 a.m.

Hayley said...

I don't think that Aidan has the swine flu. You just don't get it you have to be around people who have it to get it.Anywas how is your guys test because the grade 6 have P.A.T's??


Matt said...

i think i did pretty good on my writing test and the math test. but im in gr 5 so i dont actually have to worry about it that much. the writing test was 3 HOURS!!! it felt like an eternity. and this year we also had to write a news article! i suck at writing news articles!!! my sister in-law is having another baby really soon. the baby is due like, today! so we have been waiting for the call from my brother. it's weird to think that i am going to have 2 nephews! well... one might be my niece.

Aidan said...


Cool i dont think i did good on my tests but who cares wow you guys should go on runescape its pretty fun today i am in lethbridge soo ya thats kinda cool Haley jr. high scool hey cool!


Hayley said...

fun I am so gald i don't have to take those tests! Where are you going to in Lethbridge??


Hayley said...

Hey I was thinking about nicknames and i thought of you. I have a question. If you gave every former student in theatre 34 a nick name what would it be???


Riley said...

anyone home?

Hayley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hayley said...

they all went to Hawaii


riley said...

why the were at school.

Riley said...

moomoomeeowmeeow!please make your own sound

Riley said...

my my my aiden coming to my party and cat's pregnant.
my puppy destroyed my mom's scarecrow twice....

Rileys cat trixie said...

Meow? meow meow meoww meeow meoow?

mathijs said...

how is in hawaii

F.B.I said...

no one is in hawaii

/rb said...

no one is in hawaii

F.B.I/RB said...

say a word immediatly- orders!

Hayley said...

It is wonderful in Hawaii (Lethbridge)


f.b.i/rb said...

good ill have car tracing now.

mathijs said...

some want to buy my dsi

Hayley said...

What didn't you just get that. Why do you want to sell it??


elvis and shade/riley said...

because he has to play rated M games like GTA

mathijs said...

just riley is taking all my games

mathijs said...

so i have nothing to play

Hayley said...


mathihjs said...

yeah so how wants it

riley said...

he lying i dont have any of his games
he just doesnt like me and putting blames on me

mathijs said...

no u just stock evaryone and steal stuff from me actally everyone

riley said...

really liar? (no more unnice stuff on mr graftons website ( see rules)

mathijs said...

i now no won likes u

Hayley said...

How much are you selling your Dsi for???
What color is your Dsi????


Hayley said...

How much are you selling your Dsi for???
What color is your Dsi????


mathijs said...

well i wnt to sell my dsi in november and the coler is black and it is used so $179.06

mathijs said...

i mean december

Hayley said...

thats expensive its not sopposed to be like that maybe you should sell it cheaper.(more will want it)

mathijs said...

like how much money do u think

Aidan said...


hey guys but sereosly stop fighting with Riley i mean i went to Rileys party and it was fun lots of fun so Haley I totaly agree Mathijs should put the price lower. I wonder why Mr.Grafton isnt writing any more jees the school year is almost don well time to go.


mathijs said...

u want to buy it

mathijs said...

how much

mathijs said...

he always tell for no reason on me

Hayley said...

I didnt say that. About your dsi being cheeper some one else did. I think $179.06 Is a good price. You will know it's me when I am on my Blogger acount.


Mr. Grafton said...

Zzz zzz.
... I don't want to go to school today, Mom..... zzz zzz... five more minutes....zzzzzz

Hayley said...

I want it, But I dont have any money.


Hayley said...

Yes Mr. G went on. Hey if you gave every former student in Theatre 34 a nickname what would it be???


Mr. Grafton said...


Mr. Grafton said...

Sounds like a good nickname to me.

Mr. Grafton said...

Or maybe I'd just call everyone by their middle name.

mathijs said...

mr grafton where were u the hol time

Matt said...

hey mr. g is finally writing again! for a second there i thought you gave your website to the students. i felt like a king!!! apparently on friday we are going to heritage park in calgary! and everybody gets free ride passes! im going to go on every rollercoaster!!!

Hayley said...

I wish I could be there. It sounds like so much fun.


mathijs said...

it is going to be fun

Dylan said...

i agree the price to go downon your dsi- mathijs

Hayley said...

Dylan you are on. I hope you all have fun at heritage Park. When I am doing math i will think of all of you people from Vauxhall in Calagary.


mathijs said...

we are dun math

Matt said...

we just got back from heritage park... it was so awesome. me dylan and rhys all stuck togetha. me and dylan are like mouse and cheese, we stick together... except im the mouse. we spent most of our time at the amusement park. there was this thing called the caterpillar and it was pretty fun. me dylan and rhys gave the operators the "dramatic look"! lol. we were just laughing the whole time at the jokes we made up. there was also the swing thingies. ya know the thing that has all those seats attached to it. that was laaaaaame! i didnt even go on the carousel. :). do you know what the sad part is? the Ferris Wheel was actually the best part. it's not even a thrilling ride and it was more thrilling then all the other ones! me, dylan, aidan and rhys got in trouble because we were drawing rude comics on the way back... dont ask...

Matt said...

that last comment was really long and interesting... so if you skipped reading it... you better read it... because it explains our trip to the park... and it is... interesting...

Matt said...

that last comment was really long and interesting... so if you skipped reading it... you better read it... because it explains our trip to the park... and it is... interesting...

Matt said...

that last comment was really long and interesting... so if you skipped reading it... you better read it... because it explains our trip to the park... and it is... interesting...

Matt said...

i pity all of you who didnt go to heritage park...

Hayley said...

I don't accept any pity.That sound like fun I wish I could of been there. I miss all of you crazy Vauxhallions.


elvis the dog said...

woof woooooof bark grrr?

mathijs said...

hey how is someone

mathijs said...

i mean who is someone

Hayley said...

I don't know.


Hayley said...

I don't know.


someone said...


Hayley said...

It is hard to talk to someone if you don't know who they are.


someone said...

i put a joke on u it me mathijs

Hayley said...

Oh Haha.
Only 1 day of school left :)


mathijs said...

yeah we are geting smothys from mr olfert

Hayley said...

Oh. I have my grade 5 grad! I am winning some award.


mathijs said...

u passed that is a surprise

mathijs said...

u passed that is a surprise

mathijs said...


Matt said...

i know kids are supposed to be excited for summer break but to be honest it kinda sucks for me. first of all Mrs. Forster isn't going to be here next year! Although she says if we are ever in Lethbridge she will do something fun with us. And we all have each others email. Now for the second horrible part. summer is going to suck knowing that i am going to be in Ms. Kerr's class!!!

Matt said...

Okay!!! Who is claiming that their name is someone!!! Plus whoever someone is their last comment didn't make sense. i put a joke on u it me mathijs? Im starting to think that it is Riley.

mathijs said...


Hayley said...

Hi Mathijs,
I hope you all had a great Canada Day! I did.


mathijs said...

i did to

Aidan said...

wow i havent wrote in here i dont realy know how long but wahoo its so summer hollidays and its my brother eriks B'day but mine isnt for a while mines on Aug.8 cool ey and finally Mr.Grafton woke up and wrote somthing ha ha. Hey Mr.G. do you know my middle name?

~Aidan P.S i finally figured out how to use that scwigly line~ and haley how was your canada day ours was realy awesome although meand matt sort of didnt know what to do when my mom and dad didnt come to the derby and during the fireworks it started to rain not bad but a drizzle and we just got back from a reunuine in B.C.!!!!?//?;

Hayley said...

My Canada Day was great I spent it with my Cousins. I went to the fireworks in Raymond. We did get any rain. Did you have fun in B.C?


Aidan said...


oh ya definatelly [did i spell that right] oh well i have so many cousins and one pair of twins it was kind of weird i mostly have older cousins that arent as much fun to play with!


Aida said...

man is everybody in a comma ?jees nobody is writing on here!


Aidan said...



Hayley said...

I am not in a comma. I was in Hawaii. Man.


Aidan said...

ok well will anyone write please its my birthday!


Hayley said...

Well then Happy Birthday!!!

Aidan said...


Aidan said...


Aidan said...


Aidan said...

sorry wrote it to many times

Matt said...

Does anybody own Super Mario 64 for DS???

mathijs said...

by the way i herd that u are moving

Matt said...

I want that game so bad!!! And yes just to let all you people know I am going to be moving to Manitoba! And no this is not a joke! We made up our minds. We're moving! So I won't be able to see all of you again so see you later guys!!! Have fun in grade 6!!! If you don't believe me ask Aidan!He knows!

Matt said...

I'm moving to Manitoba! Just in case you didn't read the last comment! lol

Matt said...

I'm moving to Manitoba! Just in case you didn't read the last comment! lol

Matt said...

I'm moving to Manitoba! Just in case you didn't read the last comment! lol

Matt said...

I'm moving to Manitoba! Just in case you didn't read the last comment! lol

mattiosiapidiplilkid said...

looooooooooola! lalalala loooooooooooooola! lalalala looooooooooooola! lalalala looooooooooooooola! try saying my name! mattiosiapidiplilkid.

Hayley said...

Hey Crazy Vauxhallions,
How was your first week of school?
And Who is Your Teacher?
My First Week Went Great.
I have a locker...Suckers!
Just Joking!
And I have a ton of teachers.
So I hope it went GREAT!


Aidan said...

uh pretty good i guess allthough i have ms.Kerr for the second time!


mr pickle the frog said...

hi aiden

Hayley said...

Hahaha...WHO'S MR PICKEL THE FROG??My School Year Is Going Good.
I Have a Locker......SUCKERS!!!!!!!Just Joking!!!!

~Hayley :)

Aidan said...

hi mr.pickle and riley and by the way never tell haley who he is got IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hayley said...

Thats not nice not to tell my
and why did you say
"Hi Mr.Pickle and Riley"
Riley didn't put a comment.
So Mr. Pickle Frog Must Be
Mawhahaha I figured it out :)


Mr. Pickle said...

hello aidan

Aidan said...

hey cool haley and NO that isnt who it is its riley he found on the school ground!


Aidan said...

a frog

Matt the mat said...

i like this song camilo the magician. and my new school in Maniiiitoooobaaaaa is awesome. they teach grade 6 kids stuff that we learned in grade 4!!! and my teacher is nicer than miss Kerr Mrs. Friesen and Mr. Olfert combined!!! and i have to ride the bus which is surprisingly fun!


oh and say hi to all ma pals in VAUXHAAAAALL!

Mr. Pickle's dad said...

where is my little mr. pickle

Kaitlyn said...

I got up at7 and spent 1.5 hours trying find how to post a comment. When i was in mr.olferts class we were in a line and mr olfert was suppose to go through us. we were not suppouse to let him through. when he got to natan nathan pushed him. mr.o grabbed the projecter it was on wheels so mr.o went fliging. the piece of glass went flying. We almost killed our teacher

kaitlyn said...

Hello again. HHHHHHHHHHHaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy everbody misses you. Fo school picture wich was a few days ago vanessa looked so much like hayley it was scary/
Mr.g you haven't been talking lately. I am in Ms.kerrs class

Hayley said...

Hey Kaityln,
Haha Vanessa Looked Like me. COOL!


Aidan said...

So Hayley hows Vollyball boys beat girls hahaha

Hayley said...

Haha. NOT FUNNY. Jokes you guys and girls did good


Matt K. said...

Hey people that i haven't seen in a long time! I knew that boys would beat girls! but my new school in Manitoba is Awesome! but it still doesn't beat Vauxhall! Riding the bus is Awesome as well! Hey Aidan you should add me on Facebook! I just set up my account! I miss all you guys in Vauxhall! Just hope I can come out for christmas!

Matt K. again said...

Oh and just for the record Aidan says that all you guys seem lonely without me! I guess that i was that sticky glue stuff that held us all togetha!

Aidan said...

ya and listen to this "comet tell us your story atale from so long ago dunnana dunnanu sing us a song to make it last long we sure cant wait and we sure want to know,if its full of adventure if its full of suspence we wont be tired well all be inspired by ur positivly good scence we know youll tell us a good one weve herd ur storys before once u were just a twinkler like us now ur the comet and we want to her more so comet give us a scoop now etc." who here remembers that song?

~aidan Ps i could sing the whole song if u guys could listen.and it would take to long to write it all.

Matt said...

i dooo!

aidanvd said...

happy nearly christmas everyone! sing with me jingle bells jingle it seem s like everyone is in a deep deep coma.


Jackie said...

Hey Mr. Grafton hows calgary the big city going for ya.

Aidan said...

ooooooh just me now eh well thaats ucks.....hmmm i wunder y no one is writing weird oh well anyway happy Valentines Day although in ms.kerrs class im not sure if its posible to have fun.


aidan said...

Uh wow i havent wrote in here since valentines day!!

Hayley :) said...

So I was bored this morning so I decide to check up on the blog. It doesn't seem like anyone writes here anymore so I wonder when the next person will check it :) So Yeah I hope you all are having a great time in Vauxhall. I miss you all.
