
Send a Message to Mr Grafton!

It was great to see all of you!

Thanks for checking in on the blog.  Here's a couple of things you need to know about POSTING COMMENTS:

  • Click on Name/URL and type ONLY your first Name and Initial.  I don't want you to put your last names here.
  • No Email Addresses.  It's great to hear from you, but just post a message.  Keep your email address private.  
  • Students Only: The Grafton 34 blog is for VES students only.  Don't give out the address to people from other schools, your babysitter, your pen pal who lives in Nunavut. 
  • Keep your messages friendly.  No gossip or discouraging comments.  You don't want others to feel bad when they join in to chat.
  • Have fun!  I love jokes, riddles, and even some great stories from VES.  It's fun to be kept in the loop.


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those Graftons said...

Just type your comment in the white box at the right. Then, when you are ready to publish it, click on OTHER and type your name. I'll check this frequently to see who needs help.

Mr. G

Anonymous said...

I am moving to Lethbribge! So even if you still taught in Vauxhall You
wouldn't see me. I thought you might want to know.

Anonymous said...


Wow! The big city! That's great. Now you can audition for all the plays at the University and New West! Awesome!

Calgary's been a lot of fun, and I'm still trying to get settled before school starts. I was supposed to get a brand new classroom for September, but the workers have been on strike. So it looks like I'll either be teaching in an old ATCO portable building or in a hallway. Oh well. Things are never really normal for Mr. G.

Keep in touch.

Anonymous said...


Mr. Grafton said...

Hi yourself. Don't forget to put your name in kids, Or else, how do we know who we're talking to.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Grafton this is Aidan and Matthew Klassen! How is it in Calgary? Just wanted to see how you were doing. I wish you were still working in VES! Aidan is in Miss Kerr's class this year and I'm in Mrs. Friesen's class! This year is going great so far! Aidan wants to know how Charlie is doing. Is he still playing with his tongue? Anyways I heard you had a flood in your basement while you were still living in Lethbridge, how did that go? Hope it went good! Anyways talk to ya later!

Mr. Grafton said...

Yes, it's true. Our basement was pretty wet. Fortunately, my new one is as dry as a bone. (oops. Charlie's ears just perked up when I said the "b" word.)

Glad to hear school is going well, guys. Right now, my classroom is in an old trailer. I was supposed to get a new one built this summer, but the workers in BC are all on strike and so it wasn't delivered. But, the trailer is still pretty cool. The Grade 6 class seems to like it, even though it might get cold if the new one doesn't arrive soon.

Tell the rest of our class that they should sneak onto and drop me a note. (Hey, maybe you can do it during Reading Counts or something. But if your teacher catches you, then we never had this conversation. (Chuckle.)

Anonymous said...

I have never seen a mobile classroom before. Is it pretty small in there? Anyways I WILL TELL MY CLASS BECAUSE YOUR SITE IS AMAZING!!! ( Well it's at least 4 out of 5 stars!) I'm probably gonna visit this site A LOT this year.

P and S!!! If my teacher catches me telling somebody about your site I'll say "YOU MADE ME DO IT!!!"


Anonymous said...

Matt, what are you trying to do to me? Get me in trouble. Oh well, I guess Mr. Cummings won't get mad at me if I distract him with a Calgary Flames sticker.

Thanks for the 4 stars! What do I need to do to get the fifth? How about some awesome videos that I just added to the math pages? Check out the place value, addition, etc. stuff and you'll see. (Or, if you get stuck with some math problems, you should look at the link I put on the side to ) This guy has a great site. Maybe you'll give him 5 stars.

Gotta fly!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. grafton listen to this

i grant him bloody Luxurious, avaricious, false, deceitful,sudden, malicious,smaking of every sin
that has a name.
-william shakespear,Mackbeth oooops imean the scottish play

Anonymous said...

by the way kendall really misses you all she every does is talk about you

Mr. Grafton said...

Did someone hear something? I'm still pretty sure that Kaitlyn was supposed to address me in a particular way...

Great quote though. They must read some pretty gory books in Grade 5.

Hayley said...

hey its Hayley. I just wanted to tell you that at my new school they even have a drama class.

Hayley said...

I just was exploring the blog and I found a link called got Grafton. so I clicked on it what is that whole thing about?

Anonymous said...


Well, now that I'm teaching Grade 6, I am still using the blog for my students. Got Grafton? is my for my new students, but it still has all of your old posts on the Language Arts, Math, Social, and Science.

If you click on Older posts, you should be able to find archived entries.

Glad to hear you have Drama at your new school. Which school? Who is the Drama teacher? Maybe I know them.

Anonymous said...

whats this all about captin my captin. we are reading hachet to

Mr. Grafton said...


That's great! So it sounds like you might be able to use my L.A. blog for some extra research. Check out the video of the Cessna 406, and also a bit about the fire lighting. (I love the scene from Castaway where Tom Hank's character manages to build a fire.)

Just remember, though, that you need to keep your comments here at the Grafton34 blog. (I have another girl named Kaitlyn in my class at Bearspaw Christian School that is named Kaitlyn.) If you leave a comment there, you need to know that she is going to wonder why someone else is pretending to be her.

You can, however, put sign your name Kaitlyn M. if you want to, because then I can keep both of you straight.

Are you in Mr. Olfert's class this year? I know that Ms. Mantler-Friesen was planning on doing Hatchet, too. Maybe we could set up something between your class and mine for this novel study. How about a contest or something like that?

Mr. G

Mr. Grafton said...

Anyone interested in listening to an audiobook of Hatchet, check out the Language Arts blog. I will be posting further chapters as my class reads through the book.

(Kaitlyn M., it's amazing that you are still looking at the blog. I mean, I thought you were stuck with dial up all the way out there in Retlaw. Ha! Chuckle!)

-Mr. G

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Grafton! I like that new song that you added to your site! I like Sam Roberts. For some reason I keep on hearing that song in theaters. The music video of it is really weird!

Anonymous said...

I also watched that movie in your bible blog. The movie was the one where that guy writes all the words about Jesus and then paints a picture of him! It's really cool and artistic!

Mr. Grafton said...

Cool, Matt! That's pretty awesome that you could tell it was Sam Roberts. I love this song; it's called "Them Kids."

What do you think it's about?

Here at my new school, one of the classes I teach is all about the Bible. It's a Christian school, so it's pretty neat to be able to talk about Jesus in my classroom.

I love the video of the man painting Jesus' portrait. I think it's amazing to see how he builds and builds on the layers of paint. My favourite part is when he puts in the white for the eyes! Suddenly the painting seems to come to life.

Mr. Grafton said...

Hey everyone,

I was just reading through some of your old plays. (Kaitlyn's in particular.) You all did a really awesome job!

The rest of you can check it out here!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.G!
We went to calgary this summer but I guess we did'nt get to see each other. We went to the zoo and spruce meadows! We really miss you.
I'm in dance class now,I do jazz in coldale and it's going great so far!
I've cut over a foot of my hair off!
Is there any way we can send you the picture that my mom took of us on the last day of school? Thougth you might want to see it. Hope your new class is great!

Mr. Grafton said...


Great to hear from you! You cut over a foot of hair off while you were dancing? That sounds pretty dangerous. Do you dance with scissors?

I would love to get a picture from you. My school email is

I'm sorry I missed seeing you this summer. Just tell your Mom and Dad that the next time you are coming up, you have to let me know (email ahead of time) because I'll take you out for ice cream. Maybe your brother and sisters, too.

Anonymous said...

Ice cream...then a Flames game! Hahaha. Sounds awesome!

Mr. Grafton said...

Yeah, Shalom, only if a whole crate of ice cream fell on my head and gave me a severe brain injury. Maybe then.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.G! I know a good song you could add to your site! It's called: Chacaroon Macaroon!!! And make sure you spell it right! It's a really funny song! I hope to hear it on here!

Anonymous said...

Oh i forgot to say from Matt!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. G! I was just listening and showing my brother some of the music on your site and me and him said that you have a good taste in music at the same time! If we both said that at the same time you must have a pretty good taste in music ( because my brother is AWESOME at guitar so he's teaching me) and I like that new song that you put on here: Bedouin Soundclash Stand Alone! I like how he sings he's really good! I've heard a lot of songs by him! My favorite is probably "Wall Fall Down" Side One Dummy- I don't know why they say Side One Dummy at the end!

Mr. Grafton said...

Cool! I'm glad you like the music. It's all available on iTunes. Just look under podcasts for CBC Radio 3. Or, you can check out for streaming live shows or to set up your own playlist.

(PS. Who said this? You clicked on Anonymous. Next time click on NAME/URL and type in your first name.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah! Sorry I forgot to say -Matt again!

Anonymous said...

Awsome By the way are you cheering for the flames yet.

Mr. Grafton said...

If by "cheering" you mean "having a severe gag reflex", then you bet.

Sheesh. Kaitlyn, are you still fiddling around?

I heard Music is your weapon.

Anonymous said...

Huh? You talking to me?

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Grafton! I'm Matt's cousin! I live in Manitoba as a matter of fact! If I do say so myself Matt is pretty weird! Matt just told me to visit your website and leave a comment for ya to read! See ya!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kaitlyn I heard that you kissed a pig last year! Or the pig kissed you! While you were building your classes Rube Goldberg!!! Haha!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Grafton. You probably have no idea who I am. Well, I am Matthew Klassens cousin in Manitoba. Matthew said I just had to write you a message. He says he really misses you. So how do you like Calgary? I hope you are having an awesome time. And you better keep a good eye on Matthew! He's a lot of trouble!

Abby Wall, Manitoba, Age 13

Mr. Grafton said...


Welcome to the blog. I hope you find some interesting things here.

Anonymous said...

NIce matt

Anonymous said...

Hey MR. GRAFTON!!!!!! How's it goin'? This year for Halloween you should see my costume! I'm a Emo/Goth mix. It's AWESOME! I have black hair that cover's my eyes and eye liner that my mom bought and some black nail polish. I wanna send you a picture sometime!

Mr. Grafton said...


I just saw the costume! Looks good. You sort of remind me of a young Edward Scissorhands.

Have fun for Halloween! Say hi to all the boils and ghouls I know!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.G
I was just wondering What were you for Halloween?? I was a 1950's lady. I will Maybe send you a photo.


Mr. Grafton said...


Cool! Yes, please send me a picture. Did you wear a poodle skirt?

In October, Mrs. Grafton's cousin had a wedding where there was a Halloween theme. I once again went as Captain Jack Sparrow, and Mrs. Grafton was Elizabeth Swan.

Charlie wasn't there, but I heard he was planning to come as the Black Pearl.

How's Lethbridge? We haven't been back since the summer, but I might get a chance in the spring. Email me (not post) your mailing address so I can send you a Christmas Card.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Grafton! I like that new video called Skydive that you put on your front page! It's weird that he has to be in a wheelchair, because it seems like he was an active everyday person.

Anonymous said...

Yes i did were a popdle skirt.
I will also send you a Picture and my mailing address.

Bye Hayley.

Anonymous said...

Hello this is Aidan, hows it going? did you know that in Newfound land well in Montreal are laptop got stollen? ya it wasent so good, me and Matt had alot of sleepovers I hope your having a good time in your new place.I am in ms.Kerrs class cool hey,hows charley? Hope to see you soon

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.G
I just wanted to say hi. I was just wondering did you get my picture?? YOu were one of my best teachers ever!!

Mr. Grafton said...

Aww, such a sweetheart! Hayley, thanks for telling me that. It really means a lot to me. You know, sometimes I wish Theatre 34 could have gone on forever! But you know what they say, "The Show must go on." I'm just glad for all the fun times we had and I'll always have those memories. Just think, there will NEVER be another class that I can say was my first bunch of students. Never. You all were super special, and I think I ended up learning more from you than I ended up teaching. Sniff. I think I have some dirt in my eye. I better go and watch my Theatre 34 Directors Cut with a big bowl of popcorn for now.

Hope you all are having a really amazing year!

Mr. Grafton said...

Yes, Hayley, I did see your costume. It looked great. Are you still skating in Lethbridge?

Anonymous said...

nope. I would like to, but I dont know which ice rink to go to. But my school goes skating once a week.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.G
I was reading the comments And i saw that you said you were reading our old plays. I printed one of mine out to show it to My teacher and she was amazed. She even had to ask me what (beat) meant.

Anonymous said...

hey Mr.G
How is it going. I am good. I was wondering do you have a Christmas tree up yet? If you do does Charlie
play with the ornaments?

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Grafton! My teacher
Mrs. Friesen had a baby! But the bad news is that her baby has a rare disease that causes the veins in his neck to be larger than usual. I'm not sure what the disease is called but the baby's name is Nixon Jacob Collin Friesen! My new teacher's name is Mrs. Forster! She is going to take place for the rest of the year!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.G
I just wanted to say Merry Christmas and hope you enjoy your break off from teaching.By


Anonymous said...

hi mr.grafton i just wanted to say thanks for the card you sent me and aidan i just wanted to say merry christmas mr.grafton

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Christmas Card and hope you have a great Christmas! Ho Ho Ho


Anonymous said...

Hey mr.grafton did you have a good christmas i did i got a xbox 360 with midnight club la i hope you had a good christmas.

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone i am wishing you a happy new year.

Mr. Grafton said...

Happy New Year's EVE!

Hope you all are having a great time staying up until midnight.

Hey, isn't this Kaitlyn's birthday or something? I can't remember, but someone in the class had their birthday on Dec. 31 or Jan 1.

Anyway, whoever it is, happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

Thanks. It was my birthday Not Kaitlyn's.Hope you hade a great time also.


Anonymous said...

Jeezes Whiz My Birthday is december 18. Mrs.Freissen"s birthday is January 1

Anonymous said...

I for got to put my name

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hi mr grafton it's mathijs

Mr. Grafton said...

Wow, Mathijs and Kaitlyn! You two must have been goofing around in computer class to find time to write during the day! (Chuckle)

Mathijs, I have some interesting news: Mrs. Grafton's sister had twins, and one of them has a name similar to yours. Mattias. Only they pronounce it differently than you; more of a "Ma-tee-us" kind of sound.

Anonymous said...

nice mr grafton and i have interesting news for you i was in miami over in the holliday.

Anonymous said...

mr grafton are you still there

Anonymous said...

No, he disappeared! :P

Anonymous said...

Mathijs I am so jealous

Mr. Grafton said...

I'm here. I'm up. I'm up. I wasn't sleeping. I was, um, just resting my eyes.

Yeah, that's it.

Have they started the new construction at VES yet? Are you having classes out in the field? Maybe in Straw Bale igloos?

Anonymous said...

No, they haven't started construction at our school yet but there are plans all over the walls. That reminds me, my teacher, Mrs. Forster, says that just our class and none of the other grade 5/6's are gonna make our own plan of how the science room should look like, and what chairs to put in there! And the best part is if the construction workers like it, they'll use it!

Mr. Grafton said...

Here are my suggestions:

1) Hover-chairs.

Or, if Hover-chairs haven't been invented:

2) Lazy Boy Recliners.

Ask Mr. Cummings if that is in the budget.

Anonymous said...

hayley why are you jealous

Anonymous said...

hi mr grafton

Anonymous said...

oh becouse i went to miami

Anonymous said...

Hi this is Aidan thnx for the Christmas card. I cant remember my password so I am using Anonymous ya I know kind of wierd eh anyhoo I told Shalom about the blog she couldn't remember wat to type in so I told her. Hey has Mathijs visited the blog very much? Hi Hayley hows it going in Lethbridge hope its going gooooood! Hey do you still remember Antidisestablishmentarienism I dont know if I spelt it right.

Ms.Kerr is awsome! But still not as awsome as you!

Write back:Aidan P.S. I wonder who wrote hi .Well seeya 'round I hope.

Anonymous said...

by the way could you tell me wat my password is if you know.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Grafton! Hows it goin,I haven't talked to you for awhile. Hows your new school going? Still gonna cheer for the flames, of course you are!

see ya Shalom

Anonymous said...

how is teching going there.

Mathijs oilers rocks

Anonymous said...

You go to names not google\blogger and then type your name. It is going good in Lethbridge. To all you Vauxhallians I miss you and I hope you have a great week off.

~Hayley Fikus

Anonymous said...

thnx Hayley im very sure that every one in Vauxhall miss you.Today we went skating I have the crappyest helmet EVER man... i really do not know wat else to say[man shes bossy just kinding] Haha.. well see ya 'round

-Aidan Vanden Dungen

Anonymous said...


-haahaa Aidan

Mr. Grafton said...

Hayley, I thought they were called "Vauxhooligans."

Aidan, why do all the trees between Calgary and Edmonton lean to the north? (Answer: .knits semalF eht esuaceB)

Mathijs, teaching is going really well. But I have to keep reminding myself that these are only Grade Six students. They aren't as grown up as my Grade 34s were.

Did Vauxhall or Lethbridge get any snow today? We had a very icy playground with a 10 cm deep layer of snow. (It hid the ice really well. I slipped while I was on supervision at lunch. Thankfully, none of the students laughed. At least, they didn't laugh out loud.)

Mr. Grafton said...


You should go to the University to see the play, The B.F.G.

It's based on the book by Roald Dahl. My friend and professor, Nick Hanson, is directing it. I'm sure it will be a fantastic show.

Here's a link for you if you want to check it out. (Make your Mom buy you tickets!!!)

Check it out:

Anonymous said...

Vauxhall had some snow and some ice.
well I would laugh if I was there.
well kaitlen fell a bunch of times when we walked to the skating rink.

Anonymous said...

Ya I just watched our rube gold berg machine I remember that ,that was funny when the truck fell off and you had to put it back onthe track I like when Kaitlyn had to kiss the pig[by that time I was prety much laughing mt head off]haha see ya'round

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.Grafton do you know wat is a good song? Band:All American Rejects/ Song:Move along I love that song by the way do you remember me telling you that my bro Matt wanted to meet you now I can tell him to write to you on the blog OK?ok I take that as a yes!

Anonymous said...

and by the way you should look it up on Yu-tube!

Mr. Grafton said...

Mathijs and Aidan,

I'm really glad to see that you are checking in on the blog. It's great to hear from you, and I look forward to keeping in touch.

But let's try and keep the gossip off of the blog, okay? I don't think that teasing is something we need to put on here. You guys know that you are kidding around, but someone else might get their feelings hurt if things go too far. Do you see what I mean?

Thanks guys! I look forward to hearing about all the fun from you all.

Mr. Grafton

Mr. Grafton said...

Mathijs and Aidan,

I'm really glad to see that you are checking in on the blog. It's great to hear from you, and I look forward to keeping in touch.

But let's try and keep the gossip off of the blog, okay? I don't think that teasing is something we need to put on here. You guys know that you are kidding around, but someone else might get their feelings hurt if things go too far. Do you see what I mean?

Thanks guys! I look forward to hearing about all the fun from you all.

Mr. Grafton

Anonymous said...

hey In lethbridge we got some snow on February 12th. Hope Every one has a day full of bad luck. Just Joking.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.G
I want to see the BFG it looks Extremly funny. How do you like teaching in Calgary so Far?


Anonymous said...

okey mr grafton we were gust jocking

Anonymous said...


Are you going to see the play of the B.F.G.? I just wanted to know if you were goin to see it. My sister went with her class and now my mom wants to take my family.


Anonymous said...

hey ya we were just joking no worrys just joking .Hey shalom finally you went on here 'ey wow I so glad that we have family week Im so happy! Mr.Grafton you should come to Vauxhall some time its lots of fun although im sure its fun in Calgary your welcome in our house any time. I dont know the next time we are going to Calgary so ya just saying that your welcome at our house any time.

-Vanden Dungen

Anonymous said...

yeah mr grafton how is it going in calgery.


Anonymous said...

I hope it is going good other wise you should go the miami

Anonymous said...

oh yeah it is hot there. realy


Anonymous said...

aiden are you going to church at 7:00


Anonymous said...

gust to let yu know

Anonymous said...

No I'm not yet. But I would like to see it. What are you vauxhallions going to do on the week off? I am going to Edmonton. But whatever you do hope you have FUN!!!!!


Anonymous said...

so Hayly how is it going in lethbridge.


Anonymous said...

it is going good here in lethbridge. I miss Vauxhall, but i realy like Lethbridge. Vauxhall will always be my home town.


Anonymous said...

Hayley as i can see you whant to go to miami so do i actually i really whant to go


Anonymous said...

I want to go to miami again couse I miss the hot weather in miami

Anonymous said...

ey mr grafton do you want to go to miami too.

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to go to Maima!Way more than here in this ICE AGE. LOL


Anonymous said...

hey hayley, i got some news for you!!! in the vauxhall co-op (the grocery store) they hung up a picture of the old skating club or whatever. has anyone ever noticed how many comments there is on here?!? right now there is 107 comments starting from Nov. 24 2007 and ending at Feb 26. 2009. do they ever stop?!

Anonymous said...

That is cool. Next time i am in Vauxhall i will go and see it. There will probably be like 200 comments pretty soon!LOL


Anonymous said...

So i see that youve wrote in here again matt i wonder whats buging mr.grafton cause he hasnt been writing on here for a long time well see ya i gotta go!

-Aidan P.S. if any one wants to give me a present you can give me a yu-gi-oh card called Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.

Anonymous said...

Aidan, Aidan, Aidan! You are obsessed with Yu Gi Oh cards (is that how you spell it?)

Mr. Grafton said...

Who's not listening?

I'm like Batman. I'm always lurking in the shadows.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.G
Do you have any more mini lunch boxs?


Anonymous said...

hey aiden are you adictied to yu gi oh cards

Anonymous said...

uh....ya thats how you spell it i used to be the king of yu gi oh but now im not ,Zack is, they thought that i was the king because i have Raviel,Lord of Phantasms with 4000 DEF and 4000 ATK now its all like a dream..ooohh[ya so im not the king] oh well who cares.

-Aidan P.S. nothing this time

Anonymous said...

what do you mean with mini lunch boxes heyley.


Anonymous said...

you know those mini lunch boxs Mr.G. put on the grey filing cabinet.


Anonymous said...

Hayley?... ooooohhhh i know what your talking about he had like a batman one and a super man one.Hayley i never got to ask you how is it going in Lethbridge? Well i like how you call us Vauxoolagans or somthing like that by the way a lot of your friends miss you like Kaitlyn she hasn't wrote here in a long time,Kendall to,and Amber and Spencer they all miss you i think Dylan likes you by the way im pretty sure although im not all ways right he just got back from Arazona i think thats how you spell it right?

-Aidan like usuwall

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

It is going good in Lethbridge. Really Dylan likes? Or did he like me? Please wright back you crazy Vauxhallians


Mr. Grafton said...

I heard Dylan likes cheese. No, really. He told me himself. He can identify over 83 different types of cheese while he is completely blindfolded.

And I also heard the Aidan likes to sing in the shower. He's always singing songs by The Weakerthans and Reliant K.

Mathjis likes to collect pickles. He has them all lined up under his bed. They're arranged by size and the date he collected it. It's fascinating.

Hayley likes to collect antique whoopie cushions. Her oldest was found in a Raymond Antique Joke Shop and is well over 100 years old. It's made entirely out of wood. It doesn't make any noise.

Mr. Grafton still collects miniature lunch boxes. He takes one to work everyday. It makes him feel like a giant because it fits right in his hand. He can carry 1/6 of a sandwich, and eleven Orange Tic-Tacs. "I may be hungry, but at least my breath smells good," he told reporters.

Anonymous said...


uh ya im pretty sure that he likes you.Mr.Grafton haha so funny actually i sing switch foot songs in the shower well the ones you said i also sing about ok seriously i laughed my head off when i saw what you wrote espshelly about mathijs's pickles ok that was funny and Hayley with the woopie cushon haha ok see ya latea

-Aidan[hayley every ones missing you

Anonymous said...

I am missing eveyone. I don't collect woopie cushon. YET! Just kidding.


Anonymous said...


HA ya right actually you might, we just dont know about it yet. Today we barely had any homework ithink just science and L.A. somthing like that anyhoo.

-Aidan P.S. you should come here some time Hayley!

Anonymous said...

" I'm addicted to to cheese!"

Anonymous said...

Kaitlyn told me she went onthe blog today but i guess not see ya!

Anonymous said...

I don't I swear! I hardly ever get homework. I want to come back to Vauxhall, But i don't know when i will.


Mr. Grafton said...


No phone numbers, emails, or last names. You need to be careful about posting personal information on the internet.)

I'm sure your friends know how to look you up in the phone book.

Enjoy your week off for break. Oh, and you might like to know, my new school has TWO WEEKS OFF! Ha Ha!

Anonymous said...


what does p.s stand for becouse every one sais that

Anonymous said...


i remember the mini lunch boxes

Anonymous said...

it stands for umm.... i dont really know but hey its coo!

Anonymous said...

i know the first letter means postal, i learned what it meant in gr.1. i dunno what the second letter stands for though.

Anonymous said...


do you know what ps stands for

Anonymous said...

Yeah i do actually I had to look it up. It means post script. I think tell me if I am wrong, but that never happens.LOL!


Anonymous said...

Hey Mikayla here this year has been awsome. I really miss you I wish you could still teach at Vauxhall

Anonymous said...

Hey I was reading one of the posts that you wrote on B.F.G does that stand for Big Friendly Giant if so Cydney (my youngest sister) went to see it this year for a grade 2 field trip. Just got a new camera It's awesome (really to me everything is awesome) so I take a lot of pic's!!!!!!!

keep in touch


Anonymous said...

Mr grafton

do you still have the science game you play with lazers and the mirrors


Anonymous said...


Ya we still have the science game with the lazers and mirrors if you press older posts and keep pressing it until you get to the game.


p.s. if i'm wrong sorry!!!!!

Anonymous said...


do you know what it is called

Anonymous said...


No I don't remember what it is called


Anonymous said...

Mr grafton

do you Know

Anonymous said...

It's Called Chromatron 1.


Anonymous said...

aidan showed me that game! i got to lv. 10 then i quit. to go play my wii!

Anonymous said...

Hey Vauxhallions
Did it snow in Vauxhall last night it did here in Lethbridge. Two days ago it was the first day of spring and it snows the day after. This is some WACKY weather.


Anonymous said...

yeah it did snow. it was just beginning to warm up. it actually got to 15 degrees. but now its snowing again! when i just got on this blog today that prime meridian song started playing and my volume was all the way up! that made me jump! suddenly my computer randomly started saying Prime Meridian, prime prime meridian! :D

Anonymous said...

yeah it was so weird so Mikayla you came here eay well have fun. Hayley do you still play chromatron 1?


Anonymous said...

I have once or twice. Did you guys see the new picture? It's not superman. It's Superman and Spidy.


Anonymous said...

Hey you Vauxhallions
When are you done school? In Lethbridge we are done on June 26. If i am done before you i would laugh so hard.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.G
Where do you want to go to in spring break? I am off from school on Thursday afternoon and Friday Because of parent teacher interviews.


Anonymous said...


you dont have to laugh so hard because we get out on June 26th too


Anonymous said...

I will try not to! Just Kidding! We get less school than you than because we have parent teacher interviews. And I started 3 days after you. What time are you done school? I am done at 3:30.


Anonymous said...


Ha were done at 12:00 because its short friday


Anonymous said...

We are also done at 11:45 on friday. I mean on Monday-Thursday.


Anonymous said...

ya! Hayley, you're going to miss out on a lot this year! every friday this year is going to be short friday. haha! our school is done at 3:15, and it starts at 8:30.

Anonymous said...

I start at 8:30 to 3:30. And here it is also a short Friday every Friday. I am planing on go to Vauxhall on a day i don't have school or I will just miss one Friday.


Anonymous said...

Mr Grafton

hows it goin? what are youdoing right now changing your mind about teams?


Anonymous said...

Hey Vauxhallions
I have 1 Question for you what is the largest book you have ever read? I am reading the Twilight series. So that would be the largest book I have ever read.


Anonymous said...


I got a question for you how many people do you have in your class room


Matt hates report cards said...

the largest book i have read is the one that i am reading: Eragon

Hayley said...

I have 24 kids in my class counting me. It is only grade 5 not Grades 5 and 6.


mathijs said...

i have 20 people in our class

Hayley said...

Did any of you guys think that I was coming to Vauxhall? I did give you hints!


Mr. Grafton said...


I can't believe you didn't invite me to go, too! Sheesh.
Oh well. My new school, Bearspaw Christian School, has TWO FULL WEEKS OFF for Spring Break. I was off last week, and now I have this week off. Who knows where I'll pop up!

Oh, and although I haven't read the Twilight series, I have been quite busy reading some gret books.

The Shakespeare Stealer series by Gary Blackwood
Back in Shakespeare's day, people would try to steal copies of plays so that rival theatres could put on productions of other people's work. In this story, Widge, a young orphan, uses a secret technique of handwriting where he can copy words down as fast as people can say them. He is commanded to copy out Hamlet so that his master can steal the play. But, Widge soon finds that friendship in the theatre is sometimes more valuable.

Chasing Vermeer by Blue Balliett
Petra and Calder are two grade six students who team up to solve a mysterious disappearance of a rare painting. (Check out the illustrations and see if you can decipher the secret message.)

The Wright 3 by Blue Balliett
Petra and Calder return to use their special skills to try and save a house, built by Frank Lloyd Wright, from being demolished. But a strange mystery haunts the house.

The Calder Game by Blue Balliett
This time, Calder goes to England on a trip, and disappears. Is it a strange coincidence that a sculpture by an artist named Calder is also missing. Petra and Tommy show up to investigate and save their friend.

Tunnels by Roderick Gordon and Brian Williams
Mysterious strangers are lurking in a quiet town. When Will's father disappears, he finds a strange tunnel dug under his basement. Will follows it and until he is trapped by a strange, subterranean city.

Deeper by Roderick Gordon and Brian Williams
I'm reading this one right now. So far, so good!

The 39 Clues Series by Rick Riordan
Great series! Join two kids as they travel around the world in search of a mysterious treasure. Play the games online, and you can win money and prizes.
Solve the codes and you might win. Try this code, for example:
Ns. Hsbgupo sfddpnfoet uijt cppl!

I also like this Trilogy:
City of Ember,
The People of Sparks,
The Prophet of Yonwood
by Jeanne Duprua

Read the book before you see the movie. It's not quite the same.

And, for your parents, I highly recommend
The Life of Pi by Yann Martel
It's about a small boy who is stranded in a liferaft in the middle of the ocean with a Royal Bengal Tiger. (It's such an amazing book, I wish I could read it for the first time all over again!)

Mr. Grafton said...


Actually, I did get a strange phone call the other day. I picked it up, and said, "Hello".
All I could hear on the other end was the sound of a vacuum cleaner.
Again I said, "Hello?"
But all I could hear was the sound of someone drinking through a straw.
"Hello? Can I help you" I called out.
It turned into a suction cup squeezing onto a pane of glass.
I hung up the phone. Then, Mrs. Grafton asked me, "Who called?"
"The Calgary Flames."
"How could you tell?" she asked.
"Easy. No one else could suck that much."


Hayley said...

Mr. G
I couldn't invite you because it was a surprize! I have also read the 39 Clues series. I am on the book 3! That is true that the book is better than the movie! In the movie Twilight they leave out somethings. I am now on the 2nd book in the Twilight sage it is called New Moon!


Mr. Grafton said...


(For your eyes only)

I'm coming to Vauxhall tomorrow. It's going to be a surprise. Some of the teachers already know about it. I'll get a chance to see all of you then, and we might even be able to work on some fun Drama activities.

But remember, this is a secret. You can't tell anyone that you know the secret. Only the people who have been reading the blog will know anything about it.

Hayley, do you want to come? Maybe we can work something out for you to have a SECOND surprise visit.

Secretly yours,
Mr. Grafton
"Mr. Reckirt"

Hayley said...

Mr. G
I would want to but I have school the joy! So you go have fun.


Anonymous said...


Hi mr. grafton thanks for coming down to Vauxhall to do drama class with us i hope to see you again. wensday April 1.

Anonymous said...

Donovan here what subject is the lazer game in.

Anonymous said...

Hi mr.grafton do u like it there


Anonymous said...

hey mr.g whats up it was realy cool that you came to our school. So how do you like teaching in calgary.

jackie said...

mr.grafton hows a going. hows school going in calgary. i would like to go to calgary school but i still like vauxhall¸but any way it was realy cool of you to come to our school. you should come to our school more often. well talk to you later seeya.

Hayley said...

Hey Vauxhallions
Happy April Fools Day and also Happy Poisson d'avril!


Matt is worried!!! said...

everybody, get off the internet! it said on the news yesterday that on April 1st a virus is going around! seriously! that virus makes your computer totally shut down and and shows all of your personal information!

Matt isn't so worried now! said...

hey Mr.G! you should come and teach us drama at our school more often! in fact, you should move back! and take Mrs. Forster's place! i should probably get off the internet now 'cause of the virus!

Mr. Grafton said...


The laser game was in science. You'll need to search the word: LASER in the serach box at the top left.

Aidaaaaaaaaaaan said...

Hey Mr.Grafton i have not bin on here in so long oh mr .grafton i did geocacheing to! In New found land oh it was awsome when you came to our school!


jackie said...

mr.g whats up. your realy lucky you get stay home for 2 weeks.i realy wish i can stay home for 2 weeks.

jackie said...

mr.grafton whats still like the super hero movies like you did last year.well i just wanted to say hi so hhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiii wwwwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttsssssssssssss uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupppppppppppppp

Dharma said...

Hi Mr.G I wish you were still my teacher.Trisha and Jayden say next year you are teaching grade 5-6 next year but i hope you are.


Dharma said...



Hailey said...

hi mr.g how are u doing?

Mr. Grafton said...


Remember, don't give out your email address on the internet. You've go to be careful about who might be reading this.


jackie said...

hi mr.g hows a going

Mikayla said...

Mr. Grafton

I love the movie Twilight I just watched it a few days ago it's one of those movies you just want to watch over and over again


Mikayla said...


I cant believe you can wake up that early 8:01 I woke up at 9:50


Matt said...

Hi mr.g! guess what?! i got this new game console thing that can connect to the internet! the internet on this thing is really slow though! actually im commenting you with it right now! we have 2 more days of school until spring break! i cant wait!!! see ya!

Hayley said...

we are off on Thursday also. Hope all you crazy Vauxhallions and Mr. G have a great Easter Break. Hop Hop Hop!


Riley said...

Hi, Elvis says "woof"-hi. Elvis recked my frisbee and stole my hot dog."Hows it going"-Elvis says.
Elvis took my words to say to you.

Murfy and matt said...

do you want to know what Murfy says? he says, "Yap!". and yes his name is spelled correctly, we spell his name with an f instead of a ph.

P.S. what do these letters do? (b) (i) (a)?

Matt said...

I have a riddle for you guys to solve. A cowboy rides into a town on Friday, stays two nights then leaves on Friday... how did he do it?

Riley said...

his horses name is friday.

Riley said...

Elvis said the answer.

Matt said...

CORRECT! Riley wins $100 000 000!

Riley said...

you mean for elvis

Riley said...

hi hello my dog(elvis) wants to somebody.

Riley said...

Me and my cats(frosty and trixie)are sitting here with snacks. And elvis learnt how to drool now.

Riley said...

Elvis is waiting for $100000000.00

Riley said...

mistake 3 messages up ill rewrite it(
hi hello my dog(elvis) wants to talk to somebody) done.

Hayley said...

Hey Everyone
I hope you have a GREAT Easter tomorrow. And also i am writing this so i can be the person who wrote the 200th comment.


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